
Durchsuchungsprotokoll vom 21. Juni 1967

Otto Drews kept up an intensive correspondence with his wife Gertraud during his pre-trial detention in the 1960s. The letters written by the couple contained coded contents. After reading the contents, Otto Drews' cell was searched and he himself was sanctioned with more severe prison measures.1

The letters exhibited here were taken from the case file 213-12 0597 volume 020 of the Hamburg public prosecutor's office, which is accessible as a digital copy in the Hamburg State Archive.2 They provide insights into the world of Otto Drews' thoughts as well as his interaction with relatives in the run-up to the Hamburg trial of 1967/68.

Otto Drews' correspondence:

Responsible for content: Paulin Wandschneider, Frank Wobig


1 Cf. StAnw Hamburg 213-12 0597-003, pp. 347-351 and 390-394.
2 Cf. StAnw Hamburg 213-12 0597-020, p. 155 and 328.