Memory of Maly Trascjanec: Interactive map

The map (see below) locates the monuments that commemorate the Maly Trascjanec extermination site (blue circles):

The purple triangles give additional information about the memory of this place. A red triangle marks the education and meeting place "Leonid Levin History Workshop".

The timeline visualizes the steps of the culture of remembrance on the way to an international memorial site. Monuments are marked here in blue, the History Workshop in red and other steps (ordinances, citizens' initiatives, etc.) in pink.

For a closer look at the places of remembrance, please select the corresponding object on the timeline. The timeline can be scrolled to reveal the stages of memory between 1944 and 2019. For a closer look at the objects, please follow the respective link.


Neatline created on the text basis of:

Dalhouski, Zur Transformation des sowjetischen Gedenkortes, pp. 116-129.

Dalhouski, Zur Geschichte der Wahrnehmung, pp. 136-150.

IBB Dortmund/IBB Minsk, Vernichtungsort Malyj Trostenez, pp. 188-197.

The translation of the inscription on the monuments was made by Aliaksandr Dalhouski (Minsk History Workshop).

Memory of Maly Trascjanec: Interactive map