Personal Destinies

Below are two examples of Jewish women who were deported to Maly Trascianec. Before they were deported, they were accommodated in collective flats in Vienna. On the one hand, Paula Laufer, who shortly before her deportation wrote optimistically to her sister that she would soon be able to travel to Shanghai with her husband. Unfortunately, that never happened, the deportation happened too quickly. Her portrait photo can be seen below.

Another example is Anna Müller. From the collective flat in Berggasse she replied to a letter from her son. She wrote that she was glad to have heard or read something from her son. There is no photo of her.

Both fell victim to the Shoah and were murdered in Maly Trostenets in 1942.

Portraitfoto Paula Laufer

Paula Laufer


- Dieter J. Hecht, Eleonore Lappin-Eppel, Michael Raggam-Blesch, Topographie der Shoah. Gedächtnisorte des zerstörten jüdischen Wien (Wien 32018)

- Dieter J. Hecht (ed.), Michaela Raggam-Blesch (ed.), Heidemarie Uhl (ed.), Letzte Orte, Die Wiener Sammellager und die Deportationen 1941/42 (Berlin 2019)

- “Sammelwohnungen” für Jüdinnen und Juden als Zwischenstation vor der Deportation, Wien 1938 - 1942. In: DÖW (ed.), Jahrbuch 2018: Forschungen zu Vertreibung und Holocaust (Wien 2018)

- DÖW, online at: (06/04/2021).