
Context of origin

The texts of this exhibition were created by students of the University of Vienna from the courses History and Prehistory and Historical Archeology in the summer semester 2021.

The associated seminar at the University of Vienna was led by the historian Kerstin von Lingen and the archaeologist Claudia Theune. The seminar was part of a trinational project between Austria, Germany and Belarus, which is funded by the "Youth remembers" programme of the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility, Future". Cooperation partners were Aliaksandr Dalhouski (History Workshop of the International Centre for Education and Exchange (IBB) "Johannes Rau" Minsk) and Christoph A. Rass (University of Osnabrück). In Vienna, the House of Austrian History is also a project partner. We owe special thanks to them and to the Documentation Centre of the Austrian Resistance (DÖW) for many of the sources used.

Basically, it should be pointed out that the people referred to as Jews in the following texts and persecuted as such in the Nazi regime were people who only received this attribution through the "Nuremberg Race Laws" and were stigmatized as "Jews". It is not a self-description.


Claudia Adebayo, Judith Alberth, Sarah Appl, Tina Baumann, Max Berghof, Francesco Bisaccia, Julia Greithanner, Jürgen Gruber, Melissa Gruber, Peter Hinterndorfer, Lena Hummer, Maximilian Karner, Max Neuhold, Lisa Reicher, Astrid Striessnig